A servant will ask for everything from Allah. Want for yourself and want for others. All desire is zikr. But first, ask him for forgiveness. All the progress and welfare of the servant in this time and hereafter depends on Allah’s forgiveness. The second type of request is asking Him for something worldly or supernatural. The third type of seeking is seeking for others.
One of the aspects of human nature is that he will somehow break the rules. Every day he goes in some way or another outside the prescribed rules and regulations which his great Creator has provided for his worldly and heavenly welfare. In this way, people continue to commit sins. On the one hand, his human weakness, the pull of instincts and the surrounding environment, on the other hand, the constant temptation of the devil.
Sin corrupts the human heart. Leads him away from the path of the mercy of his great Lord. Almighty Allah created man with great love. He loved and honored people. He extended the hand of forgiveness so that sin could not corrupt man. As a result of repentance and istighfar or asking for forgiveness, the servant is not only free from sin, but also he is entitled to infinite reward and great dignity. When a person sincerely asks Allah for forgiveness for a sin, he can receive Allah’s forgiveness. Furthermore, because of this apology, repentance and weeping, his heart becomes purer and freer. He attains greater nearness to Allah, satisfaction, and reward.
Allah, the Exalted, has instructed the servant in the Qur’an to ask for forgiveness after any sin and has given the good news of sure forgiveness, endless rewards and eternal blessings of Paradise for those who ask for forgiveness. Rasulullah (SM) asked for forgiveness hundreds of times every day. He commanded the Ummah to always seek forgiveness or Istighfar.
There are two aspects of seeking forgiveness from Allah: (1) repentance and (2) istighfar. Tawba means turning back or turning back and Istighfa means asking for forgiveness. There are some differences between the two. Istighfar or forgiveness is a part of repentance or repentance. Following are the meaning and conditions of repentance from any sin in light of the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah:
(1) Renunciation of sin and making a sincere decision never to sin again
(2) Repentance of sin
(3) Restitution or apology if the sin involves the rights of any human or creature
(4) Seeking forgiveness from Almighty Allah
By fulfilling the conditions and repenting, the believer can surely expect forgiveness of all sins. Asking Allah for forgiveness is an expression of repentance. However, without fulfilling the other conditions, Istighfar alone or seeking forgiveness from Allah is not complete repentance. If one does not fulfill the conditions and says: ‘I repent’ then it is considered an additional lie and increases the burden of sin. Because the servant says that I am returning to Allah, but in reality He is not returning. He did not give back the rights of the servant as commanded by Allah and did not make a firm decision not to sin again. So his declaration of return is false and sinful.
From the above discussion, we have seen that, if you can ask for forgiveness by abandoning sin, repenting for sin, and deciding not to sin again, repentance is complete and the believer can expect to be forgiven.
All the laws that Allah has given are not for His own sake but for the welfare of mankind. All these provisions are of two types. The first type of provision is for the personal welfare and improvement of man. These are commonly called hakkulah or rights of Allah. The second type of provision is to ensure welfare of human social life. These are called Haqqul Ibad or the right of creation.
Violation of the first type of provision harms people personally. His worldly, mental, spiritual and supernatural progress is disrupted or destroyed. For example, neglecting the prescribed acts of Salat, Fasting, Hajj, Zikr, etc. or indulging in prohibited acts like Shirk, drinking alcohol, etc.
Violation of the second type of provision not only harms the person himself, but also harms any person or creature around him. For example, hurting someone through abuse, backbiting, etc., causing any kind of damage to someone’s property, money, honor or life. Evasion, cheating, usury, bribery, oppression, murder, rape are all such sins. If someone induces another person to commit a personal sin, such as skipping prayer, drinking alcohol, etc., then it also becomes such a sin. In addition, Allah and His Messenger have assigned certain responsibilities to each person in the society. Duty to husband, duty to wife, duty to parents, duty to child, duty to neighbor, duty to employer, duty to employee, duty to a co-worker, duty to poor, duty to helpless, duty to widows and orphans, duty to domestic animals and all others. responsibility If they are not fully observed, it will be the sin of Haqqul Ibad or loss of the right of creation.
The Qur’an and Hadith repeatedly give the good news that Allah will forgive the first type of sin if you fully repent and ask for forgiveness. On the other hand, the second type of sin has two aspects.
First, defiance of Allah’s law and Second, destroying the rights of any of Allah’s creations. Allah can forgive the disobedience of His commandments when the servant sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness after defiling himself with such sins. But why is the Great Judge of the Day of Judgment any of His creations? do not forgive He will understand what he owes and he will understand it. Therefore, in the case of such a sin, Allah will not forgive the person or groups of people concerned, whose rights have been lost or narrowed, unless they return their rights or seek forgiveness from them.
From this we understand that forgiveness is easy for any sinner who abandons Salat-fast, drunkard, eats pork or any such. But the forgiveness of adulterers, embezzlers, cheaters, dowry takers, orphans, usurpers of the weak and widows, those who take someone’s wealth or rights through corruption such as bribery, usury and oppression, extortion etc. is very difficult. That is why every Zakir should always try to stay away from the second type of sin. If a Muslim has committed such a sin in his previous life, he should seek forgiveness from the person concerned as soon as possible. At the same time, we should cry more and more to Allah, beg for forgiveness and help, so that He will arrange to obtain forgiveness from them.